Two Comments of mine on Constance Cumbey's Blogspot
by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer
Constance Cumbey is a leading Christian opponent of the New Age Movement. She has a blogspot
that I often post comments on. I recently posts two comments on her blogspot. They are presented below.
(1.) Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer said...
I believe in Oprah Winfery's world-wide New Age "Christian" ministry. Jesus did not come to earth
to die on a cross to save us from a sin that we did not commit. Jesus came to earth to help us
find and experience our own divinity. A Lighthouse Trails article about this topic is entitled
"Oprah Winfrey’s New Age 'Christianity' and the Emperor’s New Clothes." It is located
at: If God tells Oprah to enter the
2020 race for U.S. president she will enter and win the race-and America and the whole world
will then convert to the New Age "Christian" religion.
12:24 PM
(2.) Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer said...
Anonymous 10:23 AM said: "While the Pope is not THE Antichrist, he certainly is anti Christ. His
desire to further his god satans goal of one worldism is 180 degrees opposite the God of the Bibles
will. Being willfully rebellious, Francis is guilty of witchcraft."
Pope Francis knows that his church teaches in its catechism that in the end-times the 666 "Antichrist"
and the "false prophet" will promote "
one worldism" and eventually set up a one-world government, religion
and economic system and then persecute the Church, or Christians of traditional Christianity. So, why
is Pope Francis promoting "one worldism"?
Pope Francis recently released Laudato Si (“Praised Be”), an encyclical on climate and justice to “enter
into dialogue with all people about our common home.” The world renowned eco-theologian, Rev.
Matthew Fox, who is not of traditional Christianity, recently stated that three-fourths of the pope's
environmental encyclical presents his eco-theology. Does the Papacy [I am referring to the pope] now
know that the scientific discovery of evolution proves that his church's central dogma, which is based on
the theme of the Bible, is false...and that, therefore, his church is [doctrinally] fundamentally false and that
traditional Christianity is also false.
I believe that he does know this to be true. And I believe that he also knows that
Satan inspired the Bible scriptures that traditional Christianity is based on...and that
it is also true that the Bible scriptures about the end-times are also inspired by Satan-and
that the "Antichrist's" mission is of God and that the pope knows that he has a significant
role to play in the New Age plan to usher in the New World Order...and that he is now working
to fulfill his divine mission.
5:07 PM