Today's Hippie Counterculture Movement
About My Indigenous Peoples' Rights Advocacy Work And Related New Age Hippie
Counterculture Mission.
by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer
In an online encyclopidia
article about the history of the "New Age" and its current expression within
today's hippie counterculture movement there is a statement that reads: "From a historical perspective, the New Age
phenomenon is rooted in the counterculture of the 1960s."
The New Age phenomenon is, mostly, a syncretistic ecumenism of the world's religions, spiritual revolution seeking to unite humanity in an
emerging new astrological age. It is highly influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism and, to a lesser extent,
by Christian Gnosicism.
"Although not common throughout the counterculture, usage of the terms 'New Age' and 'Age of Aquarius' – used in reference to a
coming era – were found within it, for example appearing on adverts for the Woodstock festival of 1969, and in the lyrics of 'Aquarius',
the opening song of the 1967 musical Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical." -
The international hippie "non-organization" called the Rainbow Family of Living Light, a family nicknamed the "New Age Rainbow," has many adherents of the New Age
hippie counterculture movement. And there is an over 290,000 registered members interactive website named Hippyland with a sister
site named Cool that, in respect to both sites, occasionally and prominently promote my [New Age] hippie counterculture mission. Several
of my Cool articles on this topic are exclusively posted on a webpage by Skip Stone, the founder and webmaster of Hippyland
and Cool.
In November 2017, an article of mine titled
Exposing Christian Propaganda Against The New Age Movement was posted
here on Hippyland's "New Age" forum. Skip Stone added his "like" to the
article and then initiated e-mail correspondence with me. We have been occasionally corresponding for years. He has my article
UN, Natives And Hippies Unite To Save The World prominently displayed
on his Hippyland site.
When referring primarily to the hippie spiritual revolution that began in the 1960s, a
revolution that was an expression of the
New Age spiritual philosophy and highly influenced by
the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Beatles, Peter R. Jones, an internationally renowned Christian
theologian, lecturer and author, wrote: Indeed, the Sixties was a spiritual revolution that has now
morphed into a worldview that promises to alter how we all believe and act in the planetary era.
The Beatles with Maharaji Mahesh Yogi
And a popular Caryl Productions 2012
video about a large contemporary New Age/
New Spirituality "Christian" movement portrays
it as a new expression of the hippie spiritual revolution - a spiritual revolution that has influenced
"Judeo-Christian Churches to now consider the New Age spirituality concept of 'the Divine in all,' a Hindu concept, as normal,
wherein it was once considered to be a heresy."
And in a popular contemporary video produced by the
author of the best-selling book Gods of the New Age, a video about the Beatles' 1960s
promotion of the New Age spiritual philosophy, the video's [anti-New Age] narrators (including the video's producer Caryl
Matrisciana) present evidence and acknowledge that the Beatles' promotion of the New Age spiritual philosophy
was originally accepted, globally...and that because of the Beatles' inspired New Age hippie counterculture movement - a movement that
radically changed a generation's perspective on the meaning of life "it is still rapidly gaining global acceptance, today."
Some evidence of this contemporary "global acceptance" of the New Age spiritual philosophy can also be found in an
Ananda Sangha Worldwide
article about Ananda, a global movement that promotes the 1967 spiritual consciousness of the
Beatles, who at the time were (mostly George Harrison) promoting the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.
George Harrison (1943- 2001)
was a devotee of Yogananda
A 2015 Time Magazine
article promotes a book that "chronicles today’s hippie counterculture movement throughout the U.S.
and in parts of Europe." A few years before this magazine article was published the world's largest Indian news source,
Indian Country Today Media Network, published an
article that promoted a book entitled
Hippies, Indians and the Fight for Red Power. This same book is promoted in a 2015
article by Dina Gilio-Whitaker, an associate scholar at the Center for World Indigenous Studies.
In the article, Gilio-Whitaker wrote: "The uproar about the Rainbow Family Gathering in the Black Hills reminds us that the
counterculture is alive and well in the US. Not just a relic of a forgotten era..." In the article she also states that
"in the 1960's and 70's counterculture hippies were important allies" who "helped advance" the Red Power movement.
"Those who attend Rainbow Gatherings usually share an interest
in intentional communities, ecology, New Age spirituality and entheogens." (ref.) ... "From a historical perspective,
the New Age phenomenon [i.e., the New Age movement, spirituality and mysticism] is rooted in the counterculture of the 1960s." ... [At Rainbow Gatherings]
"New Age beliefs are prevalent. For example, the practice of chanting 'Om' before a meal is
an example of an appropriation of a Hindu practice." (Rainbow Gatherings Wikipedia ref.) (New Age Wikipedia ref.)
The ultimate goal of the [New Age] hippie counterculture movement is to unite the world's religions and cultures to
create, in effect, a one-world religion (i.e., a single spiritual philosophy) and
global culture wherein all of humanity will live harmoniously together as one.
My mission is to lead the way toward accomplishing
the ultimate goal of this movement. This movement represents a particular type of globalization.
It is promoted in the lyrics of John Lennon's song Imagine: "I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live
as one." More about this topic is presented in a segment (below) titled:
An introduction to my New Age hippie counterculture mission.
An introduction to my indigenous peoples' rights advocacy work:
I got started with my indigenous peoples' rights advocacy work by becoming the
co-founder and director of
Rum River Name
Change Organization, Inc..
My advocacy work to change the derogatory name of a Minnesota river:
Our effort to
restore the sacred Dakota name Wakan (Spirit) to the "Rum River" has
received support from two Mdewakanton Dakota communities, as well as many organizations
and individuals, including several nationally and three internationally renowned Indigenous
rights activists, a Catholic archbishop, bishop and MN state representative, etc.. We've also
received a letter from the Vatican and support from a representative of an UN
Indigenous issues organization. Many local businesses, parks, trails, etc.
now have the name Spirit River, such as Spirit River Nature Area. West Rum River Drive was changed to
Spirit River Drive. And there is a Watpa Wakan Trail.
My advocacy work on a Minnesota bill to change 13 derogatory geographic place names:
At my request (now retired) Representative Mike Jaros wrote up a 2007 bill to change 13 derogatory
geographic place names. Then, after I addressed the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council and received
its support for Jaros to introduce the bill to the legislature, he did so. The Council also asked
me to write a letter to the legislature expressing its support for the passage of
the bill, which I did.
My advocacy work on a Minnesota resolution:
In 1992 Steven Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape)
and Birgil Kills Straight (Oglala Lakota) started a campaign to set their people
free from the subjugated state of existence imposed upon indigenous peoples around the world by an
international legal construct known as the Doctrine of Discovery, a doctrine based on a
series of 15th century papal bulls. Newcomb recently met with Pope Francis to ask him to
revoke one of those infamous papal bulls Inter Caetera and to
also give the pope an article and book he authored. The campaign that Newcomb and Kills
Straight began in 1992 is now a global movement.
At my request Newcomb gave some input into
a Minnesota resolution that I, with Chief
Leonard Wabasha's supervision, wrote and Representative Dean Urdahl edited and introduced
to the MN legislature. The resolution includes a statement about the Doctrine of Discovery.
My advocacy work associated with my writing contributions to the world's largest
Indian/Indigenous news source:
Steven Newcomb is co-founder and co-director of the Indigenous Law Institute. He is a
world-renowned Indigenous rights activist. And he is a columnist for Indian Country Today
Media Network (ICTMN), the world's largest Indian news source. This news source occasionally posts
a selective comment or two, rarely three on its articles. It regularly posts
my comments on Newcomb's articles.
In a
comment of mine that was posted on an ICTMN article
by Newcomb (an article that was published soon after he met with the pope) I presented the
title and some other information about an article of mine related to his article. I am
referring to my article
Native Rights, Pope Francis And The New World Order. I
believe that Newcomb's ICTMN articles are being closely monitored by the Vatican. And I believe
that it is likely that, both, my comments on Newcomb's articles and my website are being monitored
by the Vatican.
An introduction to my New Age hippie counterculture mission:
In this introduction I present evidence that shows that I am
in the forefront of today's New Age hippie counterculture movement. I also show
that this New Age hippie counterculture movement, the global indigenous people's decolonization movement and the UN-led global
ethic movement are merging to become essentially one single movement. My Hippyland article titled
UN, Natives
And Hippies Unite To Save The World is about this topic.
During a November 2016, interview with internationally acclaimed spiritual theologian, Episcopal priest and activist Rev.
Matthew Fox - who is best known for his leadership role in the revolutionary Creation Spirituality movement - John Shuck, the
interviewer, said: “this is important to talk about, you [Matthew Fox] mentioned that this is not only a 20th century
new kind of hippie spirituality, creation spirituality, it goes back all the
way to...” The interview is entitled
Thomas Mertion's Creation Spirituality Journey.
In her 1983 #1 best-selling book
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow Constance Cumbey offered the
first major criticism of the New Age movement from a Christian perspective. She has also discussed the contents of
this book of hers on the EWTN global Catholic TV network. Cumbey believes that Matthew Fox, a former Catholic priest,
is "the best known New Age apostate from Catholicism," and she once suggested, a few decades ago, that he was most
likely the Antichrist of the end-times.
More information on, both, Fox's "a new kind of hippie spirituality" and Cumbey's belief that Fox is a "New Age
apostate from Catholicism" can be found
The New World Order:
Like many other Christians, Cumbey believes that the "end-time Antichrist" will soon usher in the
Bible prophesied to come
New World Order (NWO). In respect to the Bible prophesied
coming NWO, Pope Benedict XV wrote: "A world government shall arise, all national loyalties will be vanquished,
there will inevitably follow a reign of terror." The mission of the New Age movement is to
usher in a NWO of peace and security.
When writing about New Age spirituality, Pope John Paul II wrote:
"It is only a new way of practicing Gnosticism...[Christian Gnosticism]." I am a New Age
(Yogananda Hinduized ) Gnostic "Christian," who believes that traditional Christianity is a
hoax instigated and perpetrated by
a particular manifestation of the
Old Testament God and that the
"end-time Antichrist" is a true prophet of Jesus's "God the Father
in Heaven,"
different God than the Old Testament "God," who will usher in the New Age/New World Order.
When talking about the current pope in a 2016
interview, Matthew Fox said that the previous two popes called
his work "dangerous and devious," but that Pope Francis "is plagiarizing it," suggesting that the Roman Catholic
Church is now indirectly following his lead.
Over three decades ago, in 1983, I had a half hour long, one-on-one conversation with Reverend Matthew Fox. It occurred at the
annual Tekakwitha Conference. During our "talk" I told Fox about my hippie counterculture mission. At the time, he made
a very positive comment about it and then asked me to "stay in touch" with him. At a later time, he gave his written
support for my effort to change the name of the "Rum River."
During our meeting, Fox told me that the Roman Catholic monk and priest Thomas Merton (1915–1968) had asked him to reach out to the
hippies. Merton is internationally renowned for his world-unifying interfaith dialogue with Buddhist, Hindu and Sufi mystics. Leading
Christian opponents of the New Age movement consider Pope Francis' promotion of Merton's "New Age spirituality" to be
the greatest threat to Christianity.
Jesuit Father John Hardon (1914-2000),
who authored “The Catholic Catechism” at the request of Pope Paul VI said that Merton was “not fully converted intellectually
to the Catholic Faith” and that "The New Age movement mainly owes its genesis and development to Thomas Merton.”
Over a decade ago, when I was still a "Roman Catholic" and an avid promoter of Thomas Merton's
spirituality, the internationally renowned hippie icon Albert Bates described a Hippyland
article of mine as "a good article." Skip Stone has this article of mine
prominently displayed on his hippyland website.
New Age prophetess Alice Bailey (1880-1949) predicted
that the "Christian churches" would eventually embrace the New Age [Hindu, Buddhist and Gnostic] concepts of illumination
and self-realization.
Here is a New Age concept of illumination and self-realization: "Christ’s claim, 'No man cometh unto the Father, but by me' (John 14:6), is a promise to all humanity, irrespective of creed. 'Jesus
meant, never that he was the sole Son of God, but that no man can attain the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond
creation, until he has first manifested the 'Son' or activating Christ Consciousness within creation." - Swami Sri Yukteswar
Swami Sri Yukteswar (1855- 1936) was Paramahansa Yogananda's guru. And his picture is displayed on the cover of the
Beatles' Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album and his New Age spiritual philosophy was promoted by the Beatles.
Robert Muller (1923 - 2010) was once the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and was called the "Philosopher"
and "Prophet of Hope" of this world-unifying organization. Muller was a disciple of Alice Bailey and he has a review on
the back cover of Paramahansa Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi, a book widely regarded as the New Age "hippie Bible." Muller wrote:
"Decide to open yourself to God, to the Universe [The universe is an 'essentially undifferentiated mass of light'
permeated with 'Christ Consciousness' - Yogananda], to all your brethren and sisters, to your inner the potential of the
human race, to the infinity of your inner self, and you will become the universe [or, you will be 'activating the Christ Consciousness
within creation' and, according to Yogananda, you will then 'feel' like you are the universe.] will become infinity [or, you
will then become infinitely bigger than the finite universe and one with the 'unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond
creation'], and you will be at long last your real, divine, stupendous self."
Two pontifical councils have jointly placed Matthew Fox's book The Coming of the Cosmic Christ on their ("NOTES" section) list
of New Age books. His book is
(#58) on the list. In their reference link
material associated with Fox's (#58) listed book, the pontifical councils equate
Fox's "Cosmic Christ" to the New Age Christ. [Fox's "Cosmic Christ" is not simular to the New Age Christ.
ref.] In the same
reference link
material they also equate Fox's "Cosmic Christ"
mission with the New Age mission to bring about an "enormous paradigm shift."
In 2011, Glen Beck, one of America’s leading multi-media personalities, is quoted in a
video (time frame 100:25 - 101:00) "the hippie New Age
spirituality which I actually agree with."
The 1960s and 70s hippie New Age spirituality is becoming popular again. And
contemporary expressions of the hippie counterculture movement are
also growing in popularity. The New Age of world illumination and self-realization is at hand.
The New Age movement is ushering in an unified global consciousness, a new world order, with a one-world spiritual philosophy
that will serve as the bases and principle of unity for a one-world government.
WORLD UNITY SIGN (pictured below) is prominently displayed in a Caryl Productions 2012
video about (as mentioned above) a large contemporary New Age/New Spirituality "Christian" movement that is portrayed
as a new expression of the hippie spiritual revolution. The video is titled: WIDE IS THE GATE - The
Emerging New Christianity
VOLUME 1 and
VOLUME 2. There is also a green hippie peace
sign on the cover of the video's advertised DVD.
I would like to become recognized by the multitudes as being in the forefront
of this "emerging new Christianity" movement and then usher in the New Age, one-world spiritual
philosophy that, I believe, will serve as the spiritual foundation for a New World Order, also
comprised of a one-world economic system and world government.
NEWS: On July 23, 2016, ICTMN posted a 266 word comment of
mine on a 7/20/16 article by Steven Newcomb entitled
Time to Acknowledge Original Independence of Our Nations.
It's the only comment posted on the article. It presents my website's URL, along with
some of the material in the above article.
More news related to this (above) introductory article about
my work and mission is located
here. It includes (1.) a video of a rainbow appearing in the sky above the
City of Wahkon within a time frame that was providential [a divine sign], and (2.) comments of mine on two other ICTMN articles
by world-renowned Indian/Indigenous activists.
A related article of mine is titled
Pope Francis Preaches Eco-Tribalist/Hippie New Age Beliefs.