On Wednesday, July 10, 2013, the Mille Lacs Messenger (MLM), a Minnesota county newspaper, published the following letter of mine. The editor of the newspaper gave it the title " Revolution." On this web page I gave it the title "My Mission To Retribalize The World."

On July 16, 2013, Indigeous Peoples Literature, a very popular internet Indigenous news source that has received over 10,000,000 vistors, posted my MLM letter "Revolution" with the new title A Mission To Retribalize The World.

Skip Stone is the creator and webmaster of Hippyland, an interactive site that has over 225,000 registered members. Skip and I correspond and he recently posted my MLM letter Revolution on a special section of his Hippyland or website , a section/site named , where he, on the main page , has, for years, exclusively posted articles of mine. On I gave my MLM letter the title A Revival Of The 1960s Countercultural Revolution

A submitted facebook post of mine, which included a link to my letter Revolution, is now displayed on Daniel Quinn's facebook site . Mr. Quinn is a world renowned visionary and his name, plus information about his visionary mission, is presented in the letter.

On August 6, 2013, Indian Country Today Media Network, the world's largest Indian news source, posted my letter Revolution as a comment to Steven Newcomb's ICTMN article A Path for Indian Nations to Liberate Themselves From U.S. Colonialism? . Newcomb has spoken at United Nations forums that address indigenous peoples' issues. And he is one of the leaders of the global Indigenous decolonization movement. I occasionally corresponded with Mr. Newcomb and I have received support and assistance from Newcomb. Only two comments were posted on this article by Newcomb.

My Mission To Retribalize The World

by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

The world renowned visionary Daniel Quinn is promoting a revival of the 1960s counter-cultural revolution. He has a website that receives 20,000 hit's a day. A review on the back cover of his book "Beyond Civilization", published in several languages, reads, "The retribalization of the world: what a extraordinary possibility!" When referring to lyrics by Bob Dyan, Quinn wrote: "Why things didn't end up changin." He also wrote: "This time it'll be different."

I correspond with two of the leaders of the counter-cultural revolution: Albert Bates, the spokesman for Stephen Gaskin's world-renowned hippy community, and Skip Stone, the webmaster of Hippyland, an interactive site with 225,000 members. Stone has posted articles of mine about my retribalization of the world, counter-cultural new age globalization mission, as have also the webmasters of popular indigenous websites. I also correspond with world renowned indigenous activists who promote the tribal way and work with the United Nations.

In the late 1960s, one of the leaders of the revolution, Richard Carter, and I, along with some other members of the Mr. & Mrs. I. C. Rainbow family, my maternal kinship family, traveled, together, to Wahkon, Minnesota to potentially establish a Rainbow family, kinship tribal community. I am now trying again to accomplish the goal of the original plan, "this time it will be different," the Rainbow family community will be established so that it can lead this peaceful revolution to victory.

There is support for the global indigenous decolonization movement within the counter-culture's new age globalization movement. These movements are quickly becoming a single unified movement. They both promote the retribalization of the world, globalization paradigm. And they are both opposed to the Marxist socialists' and Western capitalists' globalization paradigms.

The capitalists of the American-led Western globalization movement believe the individual is the primary unit of political measurement, and individuals behave on the basis of rational self-interest.

To both the Marxists and indigenous people, collective/group interests are the primary unit of political measurement. The collective for Marxism is class identification. For indigenous people it is the kinship tribe within the local ecosystems in which the various tribes live. They believe that humanity belongs to a natural ecosystem, kinship tribalism being an important part of it, and that humanity must shape its behavior accordingly to restore the natural balance and end the global ecological crisis.

For indigenous people, kinship (tribal) collective rationality within an ecocentric value system, and not individual, nor (class) collective rationality within an anthropocentric value system, should be the driving force behind human behavior.

Indigenous societies the world over share a common past and are now establishing, with the help of the United Nations, a plan for a decolonized future. This plan, influenced by the UN and counter-cultural activists, will promote a set of values and assumptions which will radically change the entire global system and usher in a new age and new world order

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