On March 30, 2018, the Union Times, a newspaper that covers the news in MN's Mille Lacs and Sherburne counties, published the following letter of mine. It calls for the governor of Minnesota to establishment a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. A commission that would start a peaceful cultural revolution that would set Indigenous Peoples free. The letter was given the title Let real healing begin, continue
. I entitled it:

Establishing A Peaceful Cultural Revolution

by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

In 2014, the world’s largest Indian news source, Indian Country Today Media Network, published an article by the chairman of the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council. The article is titled The Truth About Our Origins Will Set Us All Free
. It has three selective comments on it. One sentence in my comment on it reads: This article by Kevin Leecy is a sign among a number of other signs that indicate that Minnesota is coming into the forefront of the American and global movement that is shining a light on the dark chapters of colonialism, with the aim “to move beyond guilt and anger to real healing.”

The Circle is the Native American newspaper of Minnesota, covering Native issues, culture and arts for 35 years. My article on The Circle’s website is titled Healing The Dakota’s Painful Wounds Of Genocide. This article was not publicly presented in The Circle until after I wrote and posted an article titled New Age Panentheism. Its first sentence reads: It appears to me that the whole world is moving toward the acceptance and practice of a one-world religion that will be similar to the Lakota religion.

In 2008, the Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commission (MSC) presented a peaceful cultural revolutionary statement on its website. After reminding Minnesotans that we have become a haven for refugees from countries where genocide still occurs. And that we are rightfully appalled by past and current foreign genocides, the MSC wrote: “Yet we remain either unaware of or unable to look at our own history and acknowledge the painful wounds of ethnocide and genocide right here in Minnesota. We have a very hard time acknowledging that the pain remains and that it has affected much of our history thru to the present day.”

I agree with the above MSC statement. In my article presented in The Circle I wrote: I am advocating that the governor of Minnesota establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to continue and advance the reconciliation work that the MSC began.

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