-----Dakota's (Great) Spirit. I was a San Francisco Bay area hippy when Stephen Gaskin's -----commune originated and then moved to Tennessee. -----While in the San Francisco Bay area, I, and a friend of mine who knew Stephen Gaskin -----and attended Monday Night Class, were, along with some other hippy friends of ours, -----forming into a commune, so that we could, in imitation of Stephen Gaskin's commune, -----move to a rural location. -----We were successful at establishing a small commune, and we then moved to Wahkon, -----Minnesota. Our commune soon came to an end; but I remained in Wahkon, and it was -----not long after the breakup of our commune that I developed a worldview around the -----word wahkon, more commonly spelled wakan. For 35 years. I have been trying to -----re-establish the original commune, and it looks like it could come together again, -----in the near future. My friend who knew Stephen Gaskin and attended Monday Night -----Class is now an internationally renowned environmentalist. His web site is located -----at: www.CARTERCARE.com/care. -----Recently, the Board of Directors of an international Native organization representing -----over 200 tribes came out in public support for my movement to change the name of a -----Minnesota river that is derogatory toward Native Americans. It's derogatory because -----the white men's "punning translation" name for the river is (according to Minnesota -----Historical Society files) a profanation of the ancient "Sioux" (Dakota) name for the -----river (Wakan). The primary purpose of this letter is to solicit The Farm's support for -----the name-change of this badly named Minnesota river, the "Rum" River. -----There is a temporary and under construction web site for the Rum River name-change -----movement. It's: http:/7free. hostdepartment. com/M/Mdewakanton/. The new web site -----will be located at: http://www.towahkon.org/. -----Thank you for your time. -----Thomas I. Dahlheimer -----P.O. Box 24 -----Wahkon, Minnesota 5638 -----To learn more about my worldview around the word wahkon, click ----- worldview ----- HOME |