U.S. National Monotheistic & White Supremacist Bigotry Exposed

by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

The source of systemic White supremacy and racism in America has roots in Biblical scriptures and the Christian religion. In several Pauline epistles, and the First Epistle of Peter, slaves are admonished to "obey their masters," indicating that slavery was a part of the early church's, Bible scripture based, Christian doctrine.

In the 1452 papal document Dum diversas Pope Nicholas V told King Alfonso of Portugal that when his representatives arrived to their destination, they were to “invade, capture, vanquish, and subdue,” “all Saracens, pagans, and other enemies of Christ,” “to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and take away all their possessions and property." That language marks the beginning of the African slave trade and centuries of systemic White supremacist domination and racist dehumanization toward Black people such as George Floyd, whose recent brutal killing has inspired a global protest against systemic White racism.

When European Christian nations "discovered" the Americas they had a primarily papal developed and papal sanctioned international colonizing legal document, called the Doctrine of Discovery, that claimed that they had a God given, Christian supremacy status that made void some of the most important fundamental human rights of pagan peoples-upon their discovery by European explorers.

At that time the pagan aboriginal peoples of this land had their fundamental human rights to be independent sovereign nations and have domination over their own homelands where they could freely practice their own religions taken from them by the European invaders. And these human rights have not yet been returned or granted to the aboriginal people of this land.

The United States of America was founded on a bigoted religious principle that was incorporated into U.S.A. law, by the 1832 Supreme Court Case, Johnson vs Mcintosh. It granted bigoted religious favoritism to people (mainly Christians) who have a religious belief in monotheism (belief in one God, "one nation under God") over this land's polytheistic (belief in many Gods) pagan people. Colonizing European Christian and Masonic (a multi-religious fraternal organization with a belief in one God) people did not have a right to establish a monotheistic (belief in one God) nation in these polytheistic (belief in many Gods) aboriginal peoples' homeland, now known as America.

It is time for the world community of nations to establish an international criminal court to investigate, prosecute, and try the U.S.A. and the Roman Catholic Church for crimes against humanity.


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