
Opposing Archbishop Vigano's Religious & Political End Times Worldview

by Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

In a new and wide-ranging interview, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò explains to Italian journalist Francesco Boezi why he wrote to President Trump this past summer. Vigano reveals that in 2011 Pope Benedict XVI revealed that he believed that Providence had an important role for Archbishop Viganò to play in America and that it would have important consequences for the Church.

Archbishop Viganò is trying to convert President Trump to his religious and political, end-times worldview. In the recent Boezi interview Vigano said: "If Trump loses the presidential election, the final kathèkon [withholder] will fail (2 Thess 2:6-7), that which prevents the “mystery of iniquity” ["the New Age"] from revealing itself [unleashed], and the dictatorship [Antichrist] of the New World Order, which has already won Bergoglio [Pope Francis] over to its cause, will have an ally [Joe Biden] in the new American President.

In the interview Vigano explains that there is a split we are witnessing within the American episcopate (some denouncing Joe Biden and others effectively endorsing him) “is the result of an ideological action carried out since the 1960’s especially within Catholic universities – and by the Jesuits. . . .” This deep ideological war started over sixty years ago at Vatican II but took a “great leap forward beginning in 2013 with the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio.”

Vigano further explains in the interview that what we are seeing in the American episcopacy is also occurring elsewhere in the Church and even up to the highest levels: “[T]he highest levels of the Church have desired to make a radical – and in my opinion unfortunate – choice, preferring to follow the mainstream thought of environmentalism, immigrationism, and the LGBT ideology, rather than courageously standing up against them and faithfully proclaiming the salvific Truth announced by Our Lord.”

Vigano said if Biden wins the presidency "he will be the instrument of the unholy alliance of the U.N., Freemasonry, the Deep State, and the Deep Church under Pope Francis. It is this betrayal by the hierarchy that makes this outcome so powerful. Since the authorities of the Church have already enslaved themselves to the New World Order, a Biden victory would mean these tools of the 'mystery of iniquity' (2 Thess. 2:7) would hold total power in Church and State."

Vigano also said: "I want to emphasize that the universal religion desired by the United Nations and Freemasonry has active collaborators at the highest levels of the Catholic Church who usurp authority and adulterate the Magisterium. They are opposing the Mystical Body of Christ, which is mankind’s only ark of salvation, with the mystical body of the Antichrist, according to the prophecy of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Ecumenism, Malthusian environmentalism, pan-sexualism, and immigrationism are the new dogmas of this universal religion, whose ministers are preparing the advent of the Antichrist prior to the final persecution and the definitive victory of Our Lord."

The Church's recent Amazon synod, Vigano told LifeSiteNews, was “a launching pad” for a “syncretistic, neo-pagan church, which is dedicated to the cult of Mother Earth.”

In the interview Vigano expresses that he believes that the United Nations and Freemasonry desire to establish the universal religion. If he would have stated, as do his traditionalist lay Catholic followers who were leading this counter revolution before Vigano joined and took over its leadership, that the United Nations and New Age (and to some extent Freemasonry) desire to establish the universal religion he would have got it right.

Wikipedia: The denomination with the longest history of objection to Freemasonry is the Catholic Church. The objections raised by the Catholic Church are based on the allegation that Masonry teaches a naturalistic deistic religion which is in conflict with Church doctrine. Deism is the philosophical position that rejects revelation as a source of religious knowledge and asserts that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to establish the existence of a Supreme Being or creator of the universe.

The New Age does not believe in "the existence of a Supreme Being or creator of the universe." The New Age believes that two Gods created the universe. The New Age believes that God the Father (or Shiva-Vishnu who is Spirit) created Mother Earth (or Brahma) who then directly created the universe by becoming the universe. The Universe (the created God, or Mother Earth) divinely manifests as an essentially undifferentiated mass of light. This divine manifestation of Mother Earth or the Universe is worshiped by the New Agers. The universe's material manifestation (which is not worshiped by New Agers) is a corrupted less-than-divine illusory manifestation of the divine manifestation of the Universe. The less-than-divine material universe is sometimes referred to as Mother Earth.

Archbishop Vigano wrote: "Everything stands and fits together: a false science founded on an alleged catastrophic warming of the earth which is chiefly caused by man; an integral ecology which places at the center of creation not man created in the image and likeness of God, and called to share divine life in a blessed eternity with his Creator [God], but the Mother Earth 'divinity,' i.e. the Pachamama [another God], from which man is drawn and to which he must return."

According to Vigano, the universal religion believes in the Ultimate Source and Creator God, the transcendent Father, and that it also believes in another divinity, or another God, Mother Earth, who is imminent in creation and is exalted above man. This is New Age theology not the theology of Freemasonry. However, there are some similarities between the New Age and Freemasonry.

Vigano stated that the ministers of the universal religion "are preparing the advent of the Antichrist prior to the final persecution [of the Church] and the definitive victory of Our Lord." The definitive victory of Our Lord Jesus Christ will be fulfilled when the New Age universal religion is established and the so-called "Antichrist" begins to rule the world, and then completes the execution of the final just punishment of the remaining anti-science Christians.


The above article is posted here on Facebook. A 379 word comment of mine is posted here on this Facebook article. The comment is also presented below.

Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer: In response to Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump, Trump tweeted a positive reply. In it Trump addressed Vigano and also [in another tweet] mentioned the name of only one of the several lay Catholic leaders of Vigano's traditional Catholic revolution. His name is Dr. Taylor Marshall.

In a Dr. Marshall video located at https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=BieTkxH7IdA Marshall stated that in a recent interview, Vigano said that "Vatican II paved the way for the summer of 1968." And according to Dr. Marshall, it also paved the way for "the 69 sexual revolution." Dr. Marshall then said: "In America we identify it with Woodstock, the hippies, Jimmy Hendrics, the end of the Beatles, the rise of bands such as the Grateful Dead and Led Zeppelin. It was certainly a shift and it was not just in the United States, it was all over the world, but also especially in Europe-and led by priests in some places." When asked the question "why do you see a relationship between the Second Vatican Council and the 1968 student protest [in France]? Vigano acknowledged that he believes that there is this relationship and quotes Ratzinger [who became Pope Benedict XVI] to strengthen his position on this belief of his. Ratzinger said that "the 1968 student protest [in France] was a kind of landmark in salvation history, a kind of revelation, and it inaugurated a new era of Christianity." Marshall said "it ushered us into a new era of humanity and thus a new era for the Church also." Marshall went on to say, "In the 1960s modernism (the 'heresy of heresies' according to a former pope) went on parade." Vigano quoted a Vatican II official who expressed Vigano's view: "The demands of the may 1968 movement largely coincide with the council's grand ideas." Marshall called the Vatican II council a "shadow council of the deep church," and said "it coincides with the revolutionary spirit that we saw in the late 1960s." Vigano quotes a popular Bishop who said "deep down May 1968 was a spiritual movement, even a mystical one, consistent with the dream of the Council." Marshall said "the Church is stuck in the spirit of the late 1960s. It is the Age of Aquarius -- to get hippie on you now -- it is the New Age."

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