Roman Catholic Cardinals or "Princes of the Church" are appointed by the pope (who is always a white man), and on his death, elect the
new pope from amongst their own ranks.
In fact of the 117 Cardinals that now govern the Roman Catholic church, only 3 of them were not appointed by Pope John Paul II. The other
114 were all made Cardinals by John Paul II.
But what is very interesting is WHERE these Cardinals are from. 44% of the world's Catholics live in South America, but South America
has only 18% of the Cardinals, a mere 21 out of the 117 Cardinals.
That statistic seems rather unfair when compared to Europe which has only 26% of the world's Catholic population, and yet has almost
50% of the Cardinals (58 Cardinals to be exact).
Asia and Africa combined have 23% of the world's Catholic population, almost an identical number to the 26% that live in Europe...
and yet Asia and Africa only have 9% of the Cardinals each (11 Cardinals each).
North America has only 7% of the world's Catholic population, but has 12% of the Cardinals...
Why is the Catholic Church playing favorites with North America and Europe? Statistics indicate that it is because it believes in, an
practices, extreme white racism.